Did you know that more than 46 million Americans live below the poverty line? You can help by supporting the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development at Mass!
This week we reflect upon All Saints Day and what it means to be Blessed. Esta semana refleccionamos el Dia de Todos los Santos y en lo que significa ser Dichosos.
I send you much love and prayers from the Church of Saint Peter of Alcantara! We miss your smiles, conversations and most importantly, seeing your faith in Jesus Christ! When...
In this week's Faith at Home, we read about Jesus being tested by the Herodians and Pharisees concerning the laws of their government. Read and reflect upon Jesus' answer. Esta semana en Fe en la Casa, leemos sobre como los del partido de Herodes y los fariseos ponen a prueba a Jesus sobre sus leyes del govierno. Lean y reflejen en la respuesta que les dio Jesus.
This week we are invited to become disciples of God and be Christ's face when we encounter others. Let's pray we are prepared to accept his invitation. Esta semana se nos invita a convertirnos en discípulos de Dios y ser el rostro de Cristo cuando nos encontremos con otros. Oremos para que estemos preparados para aceptar su invitación.
This week in Faith at Home we learn that God sends his messengers to help bring his Kingdom down to earth. May God open our ears and heart so that we may be able to listen to his messengers. Esta semana en Fe en la Casa aprendemos que Dios manda sus mensajeros para ayudar a traer su Reino a la tierra. Que Dios nos habra nuestros oidos y nuestro corazon para que podamos escuchar sus mensajeros.