Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (Jan 1) Join us for Mass at (8.00 am) to celebrate Mary’s unwavering faith and trust in God! Not a Holy Day of Obligation this year.
El podcast La Biblia en un año, te lleva por toda la Biblia católica en 365 días, ofreciéndote al mismo tiempo, comentarios, reflexiones y momentos de oración. Bible in a Year Podcast, guides Catholics through the Bible in 365 daily episodes starting January 1st, 2022
Lead, o Lord, our steps with your fatherly goodness and we will walk safely towards Christ who comes to free us from evil, animated by confidence and hope in you.
In PREPARATION for the feast of Guadalupe, Friday December 10th, we will pray a solemn Rosary, meditate the on her apparitions to Saint Juan Diego and make an act of consecration to Our Lady of Guadalupe. In the parish at 6.00pm.
A program of reflextion and prayer. Simply show up and grow in your faith. It's open to the public and free! Adviento. Si estamos listos, su venida nos causará alegría! un día de oración y crecimiento en la fe. Acompaños!