We are going to celebrate the Solemnity of St. Leonardo Murialdo, with a Holy Mass this Thursday May 18 at 6pm. Come celebrate the feast of our traveling companion. Food will be after mass. This is a good opportunity to enjoy social time with parishioners!
The Office of Life, Justice and Peace is working to promote foster care and adoption in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. There are currently 28,000 children in foster care in Los Angeles County, 700 in Ventura County and 500 in Santa Barbara County. These children need families to love and support them. We can all do share to help children in foster care!
The EUCHARIST SACRAMENT celebrates the real presence of Christ in the bread, & wine. Today, children of SPCC are going to received their First Holy communion. Let us pray that Our parish may continue to be a place where disciples are formed in the faith and sent out on mission.